Monday, April 2, 2012

Photos from a recent 'sail-mail' letter received by Sister Cornwall's parents, with captions from Sister Cornwall written on the reverse side....
This is the famous elevator in Salvador that was used for imports/exports & black slaves. There's also the "Mercado Modelso" that is a HUGE tourist market.

Inside the Mercado Modelo. There are so many WHITE people it is a little strange to see people who are NOT Bainaos. That will be quite the adjustment when I get back. But it is a rather cool place.
At the top of the elevator with Sister Forester [from the MTC] - I LOVE that girl! Unfortunately when got transferred to Itabuna, making me all the more glad we went.

These are just some general thoughts about how great [General] conference was.

First of all, The Plan of Salvation is an incredible thing; when we understand WHO God is, WHY we are here, WHAT is most important- wow , life gets a lot easier. I feel like I am rather sheltered from the "real world" and that Bahia doesn't suffer from a lot of the materialism and business that a lot of the world suffers from (I am a little worried about going back to the shock of all that, but it'll be great.) The simple messages and heedings and LOVE shown were pretty impressive - "stop it", "step up", etc. is apparently what we need to hear most. So many of us already know what it is that we need to be doing, and now we just need to - DO it.

There was a lot of teaching about the nature of God, about how knowing about Him, and our relationship with Him helps us understand so many things in this world. I trust completely and absolutely in these men. The messages are simple, but bold. I am grateful for the emphasis on the família, and all of the great things a focus on the family causes. I know these men are inspired. I know that we will do well just getting ourselves where we need to be. I guess that in general there was a LOT of focus on the two great commandments - love God, and love your neighbor. Do what needs to get done because the time is getting closer. We know this, but we need to hear it, that's why we have prophets.

I am so grateful for the incredible marvelous gift that it is to have prophets.

a lovely week!
love, love, love,
Sister Cornwall

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