It has been a wonderful week. Yes, Celia and Carlos were married and baptized! It was wonderful, simple, and I am thrilled. The Ward helped so so much, and it really was a success for everyone. I am so grateful for the persistence and love that everyone showed so that we could arrive Saturday and have a lovely day.
One of the best parts was that Presidente and Sister Vecchi visited our ala [Ward-?]Sunday - to see these two great people be confirmed. It was really, really nice to have them see the work of so many. Presidente came to do interviews with us, and -as always - it was great to see him. Our little Thanksgiving banquet that we had today [Monday, Nov. 28] was lovely. Truly. I will say that I was slightly surprised. 10 elders trying to put together a Thanksgiving meal was truly entertaining, and we thoroughly enjoyed the day together. We made rolls, and they turned out . . .alright. They didńt quite rise right, but wére going to blame that on the cold and the tricky oven. Oh well, most of them were eaten (we made 48 for 17 people.) Presidente bought a few rotisserie chickens, an Elder from Idaho made mashed potatoes, and some form of gravy, we had a version of stuffing, some liquidy jello, rice, macaroni, salad, and mini pies of pumpkin and brigadeiro (a popular chocolate caramel sort of thing with sweetened condensed milk and chocolate powder). It was quite nice. Presidente ate with us and yes, we talked about iphones, and ipads, and Kneaders and Maglebys and Utah State etc. I love Presidente, and I love all the other missionaries. It was a really good moment to relax a little and prepare for the second to last week of the transfer! I cańt believe it. The end of the year is coming, and we still have so much work to do.
We were so incredibly blessed this week. We wanted to reach all the standards of the mission (with number of lessons, news etc.) and during the day - each day - I thought, `nossa [ours-?], this day is NOT going all that well', but at the end of the day (and week) I looked back and realized that really things went rather well, that the Lord blessed us immensely, and that it́s possible to get done what needs to get done just getting around to doing it in the best form we possibly can. I am hoping that this is a simile for the mission inteira [entire]. That even though right now Ím not feeling like the results or fruits are being seen of the work wére putting in, but looking back I`ll be able to see the hand of the Lord in all that we did. I know that life as well is a bit like that; we work every day, not knowing if it́s even going to make a difference, but then we arrive and we see - wow, Íve actually done something here. (I am REALLY hoping that that is what ends up happening. we love and teach these people, and we try and give them every opportunity possible, but they decide it́s not what they want. that they dońt want to change, or make the effort. BUT YOU DON`T KNOW WHAT YOU`RE MISSING!!!! have I mentioned Baianos [people of the state of Bahia] are a little famous for being lazy? But that doesńt matter, it́s still possible.)
I have a great deal of hope for everything that́s going to happen from here on out. Miracles are going to happen (are happening) and wére going to see the hand of the Lord (we are seeing it!) So if yoúre feeling a little like your day in, day out is not adding up to much, you know what you should do? Trust in the Lord, seek His guidance, and then do everything to make things work. This life is great, and unique, and it is where wéll find eternal happiness. Yessss! Wére teaching some great people, and Ím excited for the month of December (some pretty great things are going to happen . . . )
I love this gospel. I am thankful for the infinite power of love, for the words of our leaders (prophets!) and for the opportunity to repent, to change, to be better. I am thankful for my daaarling family, and for their good example, and for the chance to be serving the Lord in this crazy world.
I hope that all is well (and that yoúre all getting pretty thrilled for Christmas, I know I am.)
love love love,
Sister Cornwall
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